Friday, March 31, 2006

OK, Nancy suggested a rewards system, and so here they are-
1. After I loose 5 lbs., I will buy 2 nice new t shirts in nice summer colors
2. After I loose 10 lbs, I will by a pair of Birkenstocks (OK-I just need them)
3. After I loose 15 lbs, I will buy a pair of new shorts
4. After I loose 20 lbs, I will buy a new bathing suit
5. After I loose 25 lbs, I will buy some sexy, clingy tops
6. After I loose 30 lbs, I will buy something sexy (!)
7. After I loose 35 lbs, I will buy some new jeans
8. After I loose 40 lbs, I will buy a garnet and gold ring
9. After I loose 45 lbs, I will buy a little black dress
10. After I loose 50 lbs, I will buy a bikini

Of course, this list may be adjusted a bit, but it is a start!

Well, this is the last day before the big weight loss challenge!! You better believe that I shall enjoy those last few taco Doritos!!!
I am looking forward to the change, tho...and not just in my weight! i do eat fairly healthily, but I need to cut back on the Pepsi, chips and the beer.(sigh). But I was able to loose a lb. per week before, with just cutting back a bit on the junk food, when I exercised 6 days a week. since I cannot afford the fitness center for about a month, I will do 3 days per at the gym until my free 10 visits run out, and I do walk my collie Luke twice a day. I am also going to use my dumbells for 20 min per day as I watch TV. That is at least the start for the next few weeks.
Tomorrow the fun begins!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

OK, this is my first post for the month, a bit early. Here are my measurements and my weight, as scary as it is. But I shall soon be more in shape!!
My height is 5ft 3 1/2 inches, BTW.

calf-15 inches
thigh-22 1/2 inches
bust-41 inches
waist-41 1/2 inches
midrift-44 inches
hips- 43 inches

All these measurements were done in my jammies, so everything is very loose and natural-no underware holding anything in.
My goal for May 1-
To weigh 185 lbs, or less.
To lose one inch in waist, midrift. A half inch in thigh and bust. And to exercise at least 3 times a week, for one hour min. And hopefully that will actually be low estimates!

Hello and welcome to the Goddess Network!! This is so that my friends and I can help each other loose weight healthily, and to give lots of support, ideas, ect! Feel free to send in any good recipes ( as long as they do NOT contain chocolate or oatmeal-UGG!!), advice, encouragement, and your weight loss challenges and successes! We can do it and become Goddesses!!!!! I will start this challenge officially on April 1, 2006-April Fool's day, and I will monthly send in my measurements, and weekly my weight. Each day I will write what I ate, if I exercised, ect. Now let's get to it!!