Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I did go to the fitness center yesterday, and I walked at a brisk pace for 20 minutes, then I did the exercise bike for 15, on level one-fat burning. It burned off 67 calories.
It felt good to exercise, and at elast today I am not sore. I am going to go 3x this week-and add a day a week, until I am up to 6x per week.
I am taking both yoga and tai chi next semester, and I may sign up for some other fitness classes. I want to look really hot by this time next year! No more Buddha Belly!

Monday, December 10, 2007

I did not join Weight Watchers...I still may in the future, but wiht finishing Grad school in 2 weeks, I have been swamped. Work...John and I breaking up, then getting back together...the holidays...TONS of stress for me so far.
But, today I am going to update my blog daily or so again. I have a 'bad' lunch-leftovers of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and mac n cheese from Boston Market-BUT... I am going to the Fitness Center over my 'official' lunch. I will eat at my desk while working, and my lunch hour I am going to stretch (and boy will I need that!), then walk for 20 min, then ride the bike for 15, then stretch again. This will be mon-wed-fri. Tue- thu-sat will be walk for 20 min, then hit the machines. And I will try to eat as healthy as possible- but with the holidays and cookies, I know that will be hard.
So, I will record my weight each Sun, and we will see what I loose! I am hoping for at elatsa lb. per week.
Wish me luck!!
